
 ¿Qué ver en Námaskarð, Myvatn?

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Námaskarð is a geothermal area located in Myvatn, Iceland. The official website for the area is http://www.visitmyvatn.is/en/see-and-do/attractions/namaskard/

The area is open to visitors year-round and there is no admission fee. However, visitors are asked to stay on marked paths and not to touch the hot springs or steam vents.

In the surrounding area, visitors can also see the Krafla volcanic area, which is open daily from 9am-5pm. The admission fee for the Krafla area is 1000 ISK (approximately $9 USD) per person.

There are also several hiking trails in the area, including the Dimmuborgir lava fields and the Hverfjall crater. The trails are open year-round and there is no admission fee.

It is recommended to visit Námaskarð and the surrounding area during the summer months (June-August) when the weather is milder and the daylight hours are longer.

(Pregúntas y respuestas para los que viajan a Námaskarð)
(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Námaskarð)