Paque y castillo de Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Transcripcion del documento:

--- Inicio página 1 ---
eMIIl!df1Toshiic, 101`I 01` the wealthy Maeda family that ruled Kaga in feudal times, was the fourth son of Mae-
du Toshimasa 01` the powerful provincial family of Owari Arako (present-day Nagoya). In obedience to Oda No-
bunaga, he built the foundations for a dairnyo. His childhood name was Inuchiyo, and his adult name was previ-
ously Matazaemon. Because of his martial skill, he was known by the nickname "Yari-no-Mataza" (Mataza the
spearman). eToshiie started building a relationship with Toyotomi Hideyoshi from the time he was a child. In
the period of Nobunaga`s rule, Toshiie became Lord of the castles of the Omi-Nagahama, Echizen-Fuchu and
Noto-Nanao regions. After the battle between Hideyoshi and Shibata Katsuie he formed an ~lliance with Hide-
yoshi, and in 1583 he made his triumphal entry into Kanazawa Castle. eAfter the fue of 16131, activities in the
main enclosure of Kanazawa Castle were gradually transferred to Ni-no-rnaru, the secondáry enclosure. It is
thought that the Hishi YaguraTurret, Gojikken Nagaya warehouse and Hashizume-mon Tsufuki Yagura Turrets
were constructed at around this time. Around the end of the 17th century Ni-no-maru was uch a magnificent
structure that it was referred to as "the palace of one thousand tatarni mats." After the fue 6f 1759 the castle`s
center of activities moved completely fi:omthe Hon-maru to Ni-no-maru. Ni-no-maru was razed by great fues
in 1759 and 1808, and rebuilt each time, remaining standing until the Meiji periodo
Purpose of Restoration of Hishi Yagura
and Other Structures
eThe Hishi Yagura, Gojikken Nagaya and Hashizumemon Tsuzuki Yagura fortifications were restored to the
form they were in when reconstructed in 1809. They have been faithfully rebuilt accordíng to extant records
using the original traditional construction methods. Their structure consists of a frame,ork of pillars and
beams jointed with resistant mud walls fortified with braces. This is the largest wooden castle in Japan built
since after the Meiji period, and the buildings are expected to last 200-250 years. Modern construction meth-
ods have been incorporated in the reinforced concrete foundations laid, the sprinkler system installed, and fa-
cilities such as elevators and Liftswhich permit access for the physically disabled.
Kanazawa Mido temple (Oyama Gobo temple) built on Kodatsuno plateau.
Maeda Toshiie receives Ishikawa and Kahoku districts from Toyotomi Hide-
yoshi, and his triurnphal entry into Kanazawa Castlc,
Baule of Bunroku era. Great restoration of Kanazawa Castlc, Digging of Hy-
ak:ken Moat, lmori Moat and Hakucho Moat.
Tenshu Kaku or the donjon and Hon-rnaru struck by lightning.
Hon-rnaru Palace burnt down in castle fire.
Reconstruction of Hon-maru Palace (April)
Great Kanazawa fire. Hon-maru Palace and otbers burnt.
Foundation of Hashizurne-mon Gate,
Construction of Ni-no-maro Palace. Tatsurni water channel compJeted.
Construcrion of Toshogu shrine in Kita-no-maru of Kanazawa castle.
Great Kanazawa fire. Castle almost completely gutted.
Completion of Ni-no-rnaru Palace and Hashizume-rnon Gate,
Start of construction of Ishikawa-mon gate.
Completion of Ishikawa-mon gate.
Breakout of fire in Ni-no-rnaru Palace. Hishi Yagura Turret burnt down.
The frarnework-raising ceremony for Ni-no-maro Palace. Consuuction of Ha-
shízume-mon gate.Cornpletion of Gojikken Nagaya warehouse. Construction of
Hishi Yagura Turret and Gakuyada-mon gate.
Completion of Ni-no-maru Palace.
Tablet of Kenrokuen garden written by Marsudaíra Sadanobu.Takezawa Palace
Pond ofTakezawa Palace completed. Kasumi-ga-ike pond dug.
Great Kanazawa Earthquake, The framework-raising ceremony for Sanjikken
Nagaya, warehouse in Hon-maru.
Ni-no-maru Palace, Hashizume-rncn gate and Gojikken Nagaya burnt down.
Hishi Yagura Turret, Gojikken Nagaya warehouse and Hashizurne-mon Tsuzu-
ki Yaguru TUITCl restored.
Completion of restoration works of the Hashizume-mon Gate.
--- Fin página 1 ---

--- Inicio página 2 ---
o 5 10 m
tll ,1
Ni-no-maru a
o (3
o up 00
M(/,`II,I;lIln (~qlllll` SilIIl`l ti re)
1)1)11111••. 1:"11,`(`1`0
"``` ::>2
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86, 7

Hishi Yagura ~
This three-story watchtower is the highest
structure in Ni-no-maru 01` the secondary
enclosure. Cornmanding a bird`s-eye view
of the Osaka-mou, Kahoku-rnon and Ishi-
kawa-mon gates, and boasting many
stone-dropping slots (anti-siege construc-
tions), it is both practical and splendid.
~ Hashizume-mon Tsuzuki Yagura
/ thrcc-lcvcl w.ucluowcr adjoining Huxhi-
~J!IIlIl` 1111)11g:lll` :11"I`::1tor oppo::illg Ihe cne
111 in Ni-III) ruuru. It was n couuu.unl post
rol` use whcn a hnule brokc out in San-no-
maru cnclosurc.
Gojikkcn Nagaya ~
`l`lIi.` two lcvcl ruulti-xidcd rurrc: links
llishi Y;I `lira ami Ila;-;hizlIlll `-111011`I`suzu
ki Ya¿.:.tll`a. Nonunlly liS ·tI liS 11 xtorchuuxc,
iu lilllrs 111` l`lIll`t`J~l`lh.: it Ik·.`1I111~ n strung
11lld lor hnllk, `J`lu`I`I.-` :11.`slnllL` dt`oppillH
slllllo; nll nlollg it, nnd IlIlIil`cd willdow"l Ihul
dilllhk 11`;gllll I¡ull`~,
~ `1111111111 11111111 1l,,11` 1
`l`I!l` IIlid"`" 1"11`1111 1)"I",i 1111`,111111`11 WII11,
1111llil` sidl` pr SUII lit} 111111`11 IS cuvcrcd
with Nmuuko-kahc xqunrc ti les joilllcd
with ruiscd plastcr. `I`hc gun-holcs are hid-
den, usuaIly conceaIed by Namako-kabe
tiles. The inside of the wall is filled with
srnall stones .
Inner Moat
Hashizume-rnon Gate~
This masugata gate (square gate) consist~
of Ichi-no-mon gate (built in the style o~.`
Korai-mon gate), the masugata (squard
structure) surrounded by stone walls ami
double fences, and the turret-topped Ni-no!
mon gate, and is the largest-scaIe masugata
in Kanazawa castle. As the front gate at
the Ni-no-rnaru, this was the most high-
clnsx 01` rhc uucs.
--- Fin página 2 ---

--- Inicio página 3 ---
This is an ancient Japanese wooden
I First floor frame constrnction metbod. It involves
combining pi11ars and beams to erect a
O Cross-sectíon of Hishi Yagura pillar ceiling. The pillars are Japanese cypress,
@ Stone-dropping slo¡s the beams are American white cedar, and
@) Model of cross-secfton of Namako-kabe wall pine logs are nsed for tbe ceiling beams.
e Model of cross-section of earthen doors Wood from Ishikawa such as Noto cy-
o Model of eaves press and red Japanese oedar are also
used. Séventy percent of the wood used
o Cross-section ofwall 1Sfrom Ishikawa,
O Excavation of inside moat and stone wall rO_
f_f_e_s_t0_I_a_t_io_:t1--`.(b,u_t-:·1;:;di-:-· n-:7g;ss~):---r;:;--;--:----r=--:--:----~------`
o Excavation of inside
Category Hishi Yagura
Gojikken Hashizume-mon Hashizume-rnon Tsuru-no-maru
Nagaya Tsuzuki Yagura Gate Dobei
Structure Wooden 3-level, Wooden 2-1evel, Wooden 3-level,
Earthen wall
3-story structure 2-story structure 3-story struoture
Korai-mon gate
(double wall)
~ald-bei wall)
Hip-gable roof Hip-gable roof Hip"gable roof
construction construction construction
Height of roof
earthen wall with
Karahafu-style Karahafu-style
(Partly bip roof
(above stone wall)
reces sed pillars
stone-dropping stone-dropping
Width of gate Karahafu-style
Lead Roof Tiles Lead Roof Tiles
W=4.62rn stone-dropping
Namako-kabe walls Namako-kabe walls
Yagura-mon Gare
Gun Ioopholes
and and
Lead RoofTiles Hip-gable roof
Lead RoofTiles
plaster-coated walls plaster-coated walls Namako-kabe walls
Height oí roof
Height of roof
Height of roof Height of roof
plaster-coated walls Width of gate
(above stone wall)
(above stone wall) (above stone wall)
W=14.36m H=2.91m
H=17.34m H=9.3S-10.08m
Height of roof [MillUgata(;qu¡¡re_¡
Total floor area Total floor area
(above stone walJ) Double Fences Length of gate
Gable roof consttuction
A=255.35m` A=1384.95m`
Extensíon 46.96m
Total floor area
Inter 01 Masu~ata (square
A=253.93m` uding bay
Total floor area
These windows served the purpose of preventing
enemies from climbing up (he stone walls, The
alcove slab of a bay window was removed to
drop rocks down. The three-sided window be-
carne a gun-hole.
Sheets of glass have been installed under part of
the first floor of Hishi Yagura ami on part of the
wal1 face of Ni-no-maru, to provide visitors with
an inside look at castle censtruction.
--- Fin página 3 ---

--- Inicio página 4 ---
Kenrokuen Garden
Ground plan of Kanazawa
Visitor Information
9:00 am - 4:30 pm (Lastadmission 4:00pm)
• Open:
• Closed:
• Admission :
Individual / Adults 310yen Children 100yen
Groups / Adults 250yen Children 80yen
*Groups (30 or more persons aged 6 and up)
Exemption for admission /
Senior citizens over 65 years old with
the presentation of the passport,
• Transportation
By bus: 5 mino walk from Kenrokuen bus stop
(ro Ishikawa-mon Gate)
7 mino walk from Korinbo bus stop
(to Gyokusen`inmaru Gate)
15 mino walk from Owari-cho bus stop
(to Ote-mon Gate)
By taxi: Approx. 10 mino from Kanazawa Station
By car: Approx. 30 mino from Hokuriku Expressway Kanazawa
Approx. ,80 min. from Hokuriku Expressway Kanazawa
East Le.
Approx. 20 mino trorn Hokuriku Expressway Kanazawa-
Morimoto LC.
For further information, please contact:
Toyama I

The Management Center for Kanazawa Castle Park & Kenrokuen Garden
1-1 Marunouchi, Kanazawa 920-0937 Tel: 076-234-3800 Fax: 076-234-5292
--- Fin página 4 ---

Todos los mapas e información turística de Kanazawa
Mapa turístico oficial de Kanazawa (horizontal) - Japón - Asia

Mapa turístico oficial de Kanazawa (horizontal) - Japón - Asia

Mapa turístico oficial de Kanazawa (vertical) - Japón - Asia

Mapa turístico oficial de Kanazawa (vertical) - Japón - Asia

Castillo de Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Castillo de Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Kanazawa Castle Park & Kenrokuen Garden - Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Kanazawa Castle Park & Kenrokuen Garden - Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Museo de Maeda Tosanokami-ke Shiryokan de Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Museo de Maeda Tosanokami-ke Shiryokan de Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Autobús turístico de Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Autobús turístico de Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Mapa turístico de Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Mapa turístico de Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Paque y castillo de Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Paque y castillo de Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Guía de la estación de Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Guía de la estación de Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Plano de autobus turístico de Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Plano de autobus turístico de Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Castiilo de Kanazawa y Jardin de Kenrokuen - Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Castiilo de Kanazawa y Jardin de Kenrokuen - Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Que ver en Kanazawa- Japón - Asia

Que ver en Kanazawa- Japón - Asia

Sello - Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Sello - Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Guía oficial de Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Guía oficial de Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Mapa turístico de Kanazawa- Japón - Asia

Mapa turístico de Kanazawa- Japón - Asia

Entrada museo de Kanazawa - Japón - Asia

Entrada museo de Kanazawa - Japón - Asia