
 ¿Qué ver en Borovac, Mljet?

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Borovac is a popular sightseeing destination on the island of Mljet in Croatia. The entrance fee for the national park that includes Borovac is 125 HRK (around 16 EUR) per person. The official website for the national park is

Visitors can explore the crystal-clear waters of the Borovac lake by renting a kayak or a small boat. There are also hiking trails that lead through the lush forest surrounding the lake.

In the surrounding areas, visitors can explore other parts of Mljet National Park, including the stunning saltwater lakes and the 12th-century Benedictine monastery on the island of St. Mary. The monastery is open to visitors from 8am to 7pm, and entrance fee is 50 HRK (around 7 EUR).

(Pregúntas y respuestas para los que viajan a Borovac)
(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Borovac)