Ouchi-Juku is a historical post town located in the Aizu region of Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. The town was established during the Edo period and served as a resting place for travelers along the Aizu-Nishi Kaido trade route.
To visit Ouchi-Juku, you can take a train to Aizu-Wakamatsu Station and then transfer to a bus bound for Ouchi-Juku. The bus ride takes about one hour and costs around 1,200 yen. Alternatively, you can drive to Ouchi-Juku and park in the designated area.
There is no official website for Ouchi-Juku, but you can find more information on the Fukushima Prefecture tourism website.
In Ouchi-Juku, you can see traditional thatched roof houses and shops, as well as try local specialties such as soba noodles and grilled skewers. The town is particularly picturesque during the winter months when it is covered in snow.
Nearby attractions include the Tsuruga Castle in Aizu-Wakamatsu, the Oyakuen Garden, and the Aizu Samurai Residences. These attractions have varying hours and admission fees, so it is best to check their respective websites for more information.
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