The ruins of Nihonmatsu Castle, located in Nihonmatsu City in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, is a popular tourist destination. The castle was built in 1414 and was once a symbol of the power of the Nihonmatsu clan. Unfortunately, the castle was destroyed during a battle in 1627 and only the stone walls and a few buildings remain.
The admission fee for Nihonmatsu Castle ruins is 300 yen for adults and 150 yen for children. The opening hours are from 9:00am to 4:30pm, with the last admission at 4:00pm. The official website for the castle is
In the surrounding area, visitors can also explore the Nihonmatsu Castle Town, which is a preserved historic district with traditional Japanese buildings. The district also has many shops and restaurants that offer local specialties. The opening hours for the shops and restaurants vary, but most are open from 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Overall, Nihonmatsu Castle ruins and its surrounding area offer a unique glimpse into Japanese history and culture.
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