Ishigaki Island Sunset Beach

 ¿Qué ver en Ishigaki island sunset beach, Ishigaki?

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Ishigaki Island Sunset Beach is a popular destination located in Ishigaki, Japan. The beach offers stunning views of the sunset over the ocean and is a popular spot for swimming and snorkeling.

The beach is open from 9am to 5pm and admission is free. However, visitors will need to pay for parking if they arrive by car.

There is no official website for the beach, but visitors can find more information on the Ishigaki tourism website.

In the surrounding area, visitors can explore the Kabira Bay, which is known for its crystal-clear waters and beautiful coral reefs. The bay is open from 8am to 5pm and admission is free. Visitors can also take a boat tour to see the bay and its marine life up close.

Another popular attraction is the Ishigaki Yaima Village, which showcases traditional Okinawan architecture and culture. The village is open from 9am to 5pm and admission is 440 yen for adults and 220 yen for children.

Overall, Ishigaki Island Sunset Beach is a beautiful spot to relax and take in the natural beauty of Ishigaki, Japan.

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