Transcripcion del documento:--- Inicio página 1 ---
-:> < ¡;f é: f`E!!:IJ*I
:ñ;t(7);IURI:jI.H;zT&`:J~íH~(7)-:>< l;fplJ:, -lA`. "li, 1ti, ;J:, ~" (7»)`(éf:¡:iiJt
í h ~ -!J<`, "1",L.,(7)¡::¡ a:#Jfl + hl;C "`¡§-PHUüo"(`7 V `7 `7` `7 n- `7 Y n-) (:}jJt VJ ,
j:ljl(7)fs~ a:;~m~~ 1:~~it ¡`< h t::f.¡¡¡¡~O)·I!fi!l"&`:J ~ o 7/
, ~ o `}í;Ef -!J<`:i`Wf l t: (:~ t ir; ;z Gh~l`tJl;l] O) ;&`;m -!J<`:f~iiikl")1(,;lli! a: f ;z T, ~ o
A unique wash-basin of stone. "Tsukubai"
Tsukubai, the stone wash-basin for the tea room, has a unique insc r iption,
"I learn only to be contented." He who learns only to be contented ís spir itually
rich, while the one who does not learn lo be cont ent.ed is spiritually poor even ir
he is materially wealthy. This concepl is irnportant in the Zen spir it.
The Tsukubai is said to have been contribuled by Mitsukuni Mito (1628-1700),
a feudal lord and the compiler of the great His tory of .Iapan known as "Oai-
nippon- shi".
~~iíft;:1ii (~F0rlH)
111:11` GJltM ~I5AATt~*;¡tflJlO),** ~j¡¡¡"`}tfe p j o
ili`" e p j illiIHl!.O»)jlj1; `{`, llJ`í· J`€ . I11JntO)",-::> ~
IfIf1to)q,I:~,ª-TO)`{``:: 0)1; fJf-::> It Ght~o iIF`MItIl
O),*A7f`~}tfjif§IiliO)~:¡:ó`).O);!: ;!: 1:, 7/
t,I~LC 111Jf(-IHll"q,i`!íifJ`ill1ltT$,`J, i5
liil`ti:~+n~O)--::> 1:`iUf Gh T" ¿, o
The Tea-room Zoroku (Closed lo the public)
The tea r-oom Zoroku is typical of the style
favored by Kishuza, a tea master of the ea r-ly 17C.
Zo roku means lo contain (or híde) `six.` The six
stands for- the head, tail and tour- legs. Consequently
Zor-oku means a tortoise, which is the symbol of
Genbu, the gua r`dian god of the north.
.....;.`~ --.`
--- Fin página 1 ---
--- Inicio página 2 ---
~*~*O) 7)1j;¡:¡:t.: -? i: O)L :li1~ 2 if. (1450) ~`llJj*1D
JlIIf9¡5Gi¡<~ i`J "it¡tl~:It!l t L., ~j;`L40)~::R~*::i:- r,¡j
AJ.lJZ·8if. (1499), If9¡5GO)r, iBc5Gi¡<:pj:t!l L t.:i¡<, J:EiBc
9 if. (1797) 1<.J».. ~1JY: . 1LIJlJt . r,~W:!it`"` I:`::i:-~·:d.:o
.~0)1JY:~, ~O)t~W.~O)1JY:::i:- •• L~~O)
~~~o1JY:O)~.~~W*O)~.tL.l.~~, •
rR*~~J;,L4iJH:Q.í¡ L, *~W t-~ L.:fiií9tl:O)~~IJ~~~o
Ryoanji Temple
Originally a country house of the Tokudaiji Clan. it was
acquired in 1450 by Hosokawa Katsumoto for use as a
Zen training temple.
It was destroyed by fire during the Onin War and was
rebuilt in 1499.
It was registe red as a World Heritage Site in 1994.
`:0)~J.¡;!u;j:. :lI!ílJí25;1-rJv, ]$j~tl 0;<- ¡`JvO)~
-toi`l!:<:M7`j:íC`¡:~ !Il:1t-¿snt~.:0);¡:¡!.ít0)k!:,*
(;l:f,,j;¡:1].Hl. -(;t:;i`J. ~7.>AO)E1E!37`j:!ji(,;fR¡:;Z;;tJ.
C;,nlv`í-t o
~ Urr*JiJ-j (l500ijó`::...,) •*`fZt~i1li!:7`j:i:·0)1i[tl.t-=
:¡jíi1IYI¡:J:-::>l{`I,!.ít-¿snt-=i:1~;tC;,n lv`í-t o
í~.;¡:¡!.ít~ •• ~::i:-~~~±C`.c;`h~M±
~tI (:J:-?l ITIlín, II#O)t,`t:il` (:J:7.> 1m O)~1ti¡`11(
r`7`j:J.lil-frv`Hf¡UI:lL lV`í-t o
The Rack Garden
This simple and remarkable garden
measures only twenty-five meters from east
to west and ten meter, from south to north.
The rectangular Zen garden is completely
different from the gor geous gardens oí court
nobles constructed in the Middle Ages. No
trees are to be seen: only fifteen rocks and
white gravel are used in the garden.
The walls are made oí c1ay boiled in oil.
As time went by. the peculiar design was
made of itself by the oil that seeped out.
This internationally farnous rock garden
was said to be created at the end of
Muromachi Period (around 1500). by a highly
respected Zen monk. Tokuho Zenketsu.
--- Fin página 2 ---
--- Inicio página 3 ---
lJjgtt7c`i`f~OjIJ~, 1450:!f~)11 ~1jG:[%-jt:"i`j:JtJllGtip.`i`f ~ ¡;¡{=z
i1fL r:p )¿;`f(`i`f`i`N - JitEi:~!i!lt,Jl5f 1499:!f:l:}f:, 1994:!ftEi::fU jgiliJiL
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~ ~ `tÉ. gJt4}~lit áf.J:tt ft€:lf *P~ o
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iliJ1L9iIl~ ~15 1l!Jtf~BlTBt{-I;;*M( 1500:!ftr:;t¡), Wmili 13
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--- Fin página 3 ---