Transcripcion del documento:--- Inicio página 1 ---
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Guide Map of the Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine grounds
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--- Inicio página 2 ---
:fj`(`lí~*w:::: -tt; wtO)~mYiM ifllljllfw J J1ilft¡:iJ`í1l.>{Xftfllljllfj(:¡W:, ~oo ¡:37H± H&x.l.>f!lljllf:¡± O)~*`§C"T o:fn~4iF (711) 2,ij:fJJ`fO)B¡:f!lljllfj(1$HllljllfW¡:¡¡¡e.::,f.:0);?<¡j: t1~,
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The Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine enshrined at the western foot of Mt, Inari at the southern tip of Kyoto`s Higashíyama Sanju-Roppo (36 mountain range) is the head shrine of
the 30,000 Inari-sha shrines nationwide. It has been a place of wide worship for the guardian god of abundant crops, businesses, prosperity, and family safety since the
Inari Okami (god of harvest) was housed on Mt. Inari in the 4th year (711) of Hatsu-uma (the first day of the horse) in February during the Wado era.
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The fox is the lnari Okami` s (god of harvest) servant. A fox it is, but it is not one that lives in the fields; it is a spirit fox that has been believed to convey our wishes to
Inari Okami,
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The vermillion building and torii
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Frorn ancient times, the color vermilion has been considered to symbolize the life force and counteract spells. As the color that expresses the power of Inari Okami
(god of harvest), many of the shrine buildings and toriis (shrine gates) on the grounds are vividly painted vermilion,
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::L![]5`.!?E, ~~6!ig º-tDlOlI []801Oj ~21~§ 2J`2J0IE 6!i.<::`.5`. OjJjJj %feLICI. OlLlel23101 t!2.I `flgj§ LIEILHE 6!i9.5`Al i23LH2.I Big t!~OIU !:CelOI CJAf J13g!:C
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Many toriis
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The approximate 10,000 toriis (shrine gates) that stand on the grounds have been offered by worshippers nationwide as a testament of their prayers and gratitude. They have
started to be offered as gates to shrines from time immemoriaL Toriis are infused with the meaning of "wishes will come through / carne through."
iittl`*l*`Ji`f lOOOOE~).`M¿;, U-Jf3 :$::`í`:@(I{¡§1ft:fRil@ ,:PEn!iTlJifL !~,jlJjIYJf,1J`HjL El·¡lj j;J*{Bttf(IJji`í~,l`!.ffifFJ\iJjHHifJjjifzl"l"ii;;rg (tor ii) á`91l`JJiJE rN¡ji (toru) /¡!iTIJiJ`t,ií!iTll`jc¡.¡j)[ (teta) J o
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* P!ease lee! free ta ask us lar specific dates and times. *~HHlB¡tJL
T612-0882 .5H¡WñJ{:7~
URL http://inari.j
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