Valdštejn Castle

 ¿Qué ver en Valdštejn castle, Paraíso checo?

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Valdštejn Castle is a Gothic castle located in the Bohemian Paradise (Český ráj) region of the Czech Republic. The castle was built in the early 14th century and has been renovated several times over the centuries. Today, it is a popular tourist attraction and is open to the public for tours.

The castle is open from April to October, from 9am to 5pm. Admission is 150 CZK for adults and 100 CZK for children and seniors. Tickets can be purchased at the castle.

The official website for Valdštejn Castle is, which provides additional information about the castle, its history, and upcoming events.

In addition to Valdštejn Castle, there are several other attractions in the Bohemian Paradise region worth visiting, such as the Prachov Rocks, Hrubá Skála Castle, and Kost Castle. All of these attractions have varying hours and admission fees, so it is recommended to check their respective websites for more information.

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