Countryside Live is an agricultural show held annually in Harrogate, United Kingdom. The event showcases the best of rural life and attracts thousands of visitors from across the country. The show features livestock competitions, equestrian events, trade stands, and demonstrations of country skills.
The event takes place over two days in October, with the 2021 dates being October 16th and 17th. The ticket prices vary depending on the day and age of the visitor, with adult tickets starting at £14 and children's tickets starting at £7. The official website for the event is
Visitors to Harrogate can also explore the town's many attractions, including the famous Betty's Tea Rooms, the Royal Pump Room Museum, and the Valley Gardens. The Harrogate Turkish Baths and Health Spa is also a popular destination for relaxation and pampering. All of these attractions have varying opening times, so it is best to check their individual websites for up-to-date information.
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