Bath Assembly Rooms

 ¿Qué ver en Bath assembly rooms, Bath?

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The Bath Assembly Rooms is a historic venue located in the city of Bath in the United Kingdom. It was built in the 18th century and is known for its stunning Georgian architecture and elegant ballrooms. The venue has hosted many events over the years including concerts, dances, and fashion shows.

The Bath Assembly Rooms is open to the public and visitors can take a guided tour of the venue to learn more about its history and architecture. The tour includes access to the ballrooms, tea room, and fashion museum. The venue also hosts regular events and exhibitions throughout the year.

The Bath Assembly Rooms is open daily from 10am to 5pm. Admission fees vary depending on the type of ticket and the age of the visitor. For more information on prices and booking tickets, visitors can visit the official website.

In the surrounding area, visitors can explore the beautiful city of Bath which is known for its Roman baths, stunning architecture, and charming streets. Other popular attractions in the area include the Royal Crescent, the Jane Austen Centre, and the Bath Abbey. The opening hours for these attractions may vary so it's recommended to check their websites before visiting.

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