Thirteen May

 ¿Qué ver en Thirteen may, Río grande del sur?

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Thirteen May is a historic street in Porto Alegre, the capital city of Rio Grande do Sul state in Brazil. The street is known for its beautiful architecture and cultural significance, as it was the site of important events in the state's history.

There is no admission fee to visit Thirteen May and it is open to visitors at all times. However, some of the buildings along the street are privately owned and may not be open to the public.

Visitors to Thirteen May can also explore the surrounding area, which includes several other historic sites and landmarks. These include the Public Market of Porto Alegre, the Farroupilha Park, and the Rio Grande do Sul Museum of Art.

The Public Market of Porto Alegre is open daily from 7am to 7pm, while the Farroupilha Park is open daily from sunrise to sunset. The Rio Grande do Sul Museum of Art is open Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 6pm.

To learn more about Thirteen May and other attractions in Porto Alegre, visitors can check the official website of the city's tourism board at

(Pregúntas y respuestas para los que viajan a Thirteen may)
(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Thirteen may)