Zócalo De Acapulco ( Plaza Álvarez)

 ¿Qué ver en Zócalo de acapulco ( plaza álvarez), Acapulco de juárez?

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The Zócalo de Acapulco, also known as Plaza Álvarez, is located in the heart of Acapulco de Juárez, Mexico. It is a historic square that has become a popular gathering place for locals and tourists alike. There is no admission fee to visit the Zócalo de Acapulco, and it is open to the public every day.

Some of the main attractions in the surrounding area include the Acapulco Cathedral, which is located just a few blocks away from the Zócalo. The cathedral is open to visitors daily from 8am to 8pm. Another popular attraction is the Fuerte de San Diego, which is a historic fort that now houses a museum. The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9am to 6pm.

For more information about the Zócalo de Acapulco and other attractions in the area, visitors can check out the official website for Acapulco tourism: https://www.visitacapulco.travel/en/

(Pregúntas y respuestas para los que viajan a Zócalo de acapulco ( plaza álvarez))
(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Zócalo de acapulco ( plaza álvarez))