Oregon Zoo

 ¿Qué ver en Oregon zoo, Portland?

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The Oregon Zoo is a popular attraction located in Portland, United States. The zoo is open daily from 9:30am to 5pm, with extended hours during the summer months. General admission prices vary depending on the season, with adult tickets ranging from $12.95 to $17.95 and child tickets ranging from $9.95 to $12.95. The official website for the Oregon Zoo is www.oregonzoo.org.

Visitors to the zoo can see a variety of animals, including elephants, lions, tigers, bears, and primates. The zoo also features a children's zoo, a train ride, and a carousel. Additionally, the zoo offers various educational programs and events throughout the year.

In the surrounding area, there are several other attractions worth visiting. The Hoyt Arboretum is a beautiful botanical garden located adjacent to the zoo, and is open daily from dawn to dusk. The International Rose Test Garden, located in the nearby Washington Park, is a must-see for flower enthusiasts. The garden is open daily from 7:30am to 9pm during the summer months. The Portland Japanese Garden is another popular attraction in the area, featuring serene gardens and traditional Japanese architecture. The garden is open daily from 10am to 7pm during the summer months.

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