Oaks Park

 ¿Qué ver en Oaks park, Portland?

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Oaks Park is a historic amusement park located in Portland, Oregon. It is open seasonally from March to October, and offers a variety of rides and attractions for all ages.

The park's hours of operation vary depending on the day of the week and time of year, so it is recommended to check their website for current schedules. Admission to the park is free, but guests must purchase tickets or wristbands to ride the attractions. Prices for tickets and wristbands also vary, and can be found on the park's website.

In addition to the rides and attractions, Oaks Park also features a roller skating rink and miniature golf course. The park is located in the Sellwood-Moreland neighborhood, which offers a variety of shops and restaurants to explore. The nearby Sellwood Riverfront Park also provides a scenic spot for a picnic or walk along the Willamette River.

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