Tarjeta turística de Liverpool - Reino Unido

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tel. 0845 601 1125
overseas: +44 151 709 5111
Wantto find the perfect hotel to meet all your
needs while in Merseyside? Call the experts
at the Tourist Office and they`lI do the hard
work tor you - all for free!
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On arrival in Merseyside your first visi! should be to 08 Place.
The staff`s experience and expertise will ensure you have a
memorable vísít and find out everything you need lo know
when visiting Liverpool.
" ~
`" .E
Events and Chauffeur Driven Tours in Uverpool. Take a
tour tailored to suit your interests, timetable and budget.
From !he Liverpool Taster tour taking in al!01 the major
sítes lo somelhing more specialised, The Liverpool
Experience caters for a wide range of interests.
Liverpool Football Club
Five limes European Champions, 18 limes League
Champions - tacts lhat make LFC Ihe mast successful club
in English loolballing history. Advisab •• lo book in advance.
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Discover how lhe Beatles became legends 01lhe pop
music wond, Enler Ihis lascinaling era, and track !he band
on tts journey.
Circus lhemed venue provding a large stylish bar area,
overlooking lhe Albert Dock quayside, servng
intemational cuisine.
The Roman Calholic Calhedral was designed by Sir
Frederick Gibberd. The play 01 lighl Ihrough Ihe slained
glass lantern tower sees the interior transformed into a
cathecral 01 light and colour,
Sun- Thurs
Daily 09:00 - 19:00 (Last admission 17:00)
I`Jbert Dock I Tel. 0151 7091963 I www.beatlesstory.oom
Albert Dock I Tel.0151 709 7097 I www.ciroolr"erpool.oom
City Explorer Bus Tour Á
Baby Cream Restaurant
Take a 45 minute guided tour through par! ollhe unique
labyrinth 01 tunnels baneath Edge HiII created by 19th
Cenlury philanthropisl Joseph Williamson.
April-OctoberffuetoSun 10.00 -18.00. Last touris at 17.00.
Winlerffilurs lo Sun from 10.00·17.00. Last tour is at 16.00.
Smithdu vvn Lane I Tel. 0151 709 6868 I WooW.w~~amsontunnels.CO.uk
Re!ax and enjoy this wonderfi.d sightseelng tour 01Liverpool`s
lamous landmarks. Tours start al the Albert Dock.
Set on !he prestigious Albart Dock it brings a young and
vibranl environment to eat and drink late into the night.
HourtyIrom 10:00` rLimned `off peak` sevce, PIeasecheck website ahead FREE TOUR
lar schedlJe updates or cal MaghuUooaches direct)
Albert Dock I Tel. 0151 9332324 I www.maghullooaches.co.uk
20% Off Food
Sun- Thurs
I`Jbert Dock I Tel. 0151 709 7097 I www.babycream.co.uk
The Yellow Duckmarine Jurys Inn Restaurant National Museums
The Walker art gallery houses coIlectiens 01 British and
European art lrom 1300 to the present day. The nearby
World Museum Uverpool is home to ene 01the linest multi
disciplinary collections in the UK. The Conservalion Centre
presenls the WOrK01 museum conservators lo Ihe public.
The Duck is an authentic World War 11Landing vehicle.
Hour long tríps tour lamous sighls 01!he clty. Includes a
dramatic splashdown in Sallhouse Dock. Call in advance to
check avaiL9bility.
Enjoy !he relaxed almosphere 01Jurys Inn. Dine in our
informal restaurant serving intemational cusine or relax in our
conlemporary bar.
1:2.00 OFF
Departure Times Daily 11:00 lill dusk TOUR PRICE
Albert Dock I Tel. 0151 708 7799 I www.lheyellowduckmarine.co.uk
(one free coffee
per cardholder)
Keel Whart I Tel. 0151 244 3777 I www.jurysinns.com
Fantasia Boat Cruise
The Anglican Cathedral
Hop on board Fanlasia lor a delightful boat cruise with lull
commenlary, experience Uverpool`s lamous waterfronl and
docklands. Please call in advance lo check availability.
There`s no better way lo experience Merseyside than
Irom Ihe deck 01the lamous Mersey Ferry. River Explorer
cruises run daily and include a historical commentary.
Tower Experience
The largesl cathedral in Britain. Take a Irip up Ihe Tower lor
stunning panoramic views of the city. Disabled aCC8SS in
some areas. Saturday and Sunday only
Albert Dock, Britannia Pavillion I Tel: 07895 857 025
HourlyDepartures 10:00-15:00 (weekends untiI18:00)
Pler Head I Tel. 0151 330 1444 I www.merseyferries.co.uk
Tower open daily from 10:00 ~ 15:30, Sun 12 noon ~ 14:30
(Lasl Enlry 30 mins belore closing) (Extended hours in sumrner)

Great Space Tour
Taks a flight like no other belore, immerse yourse!1 in this great
building with a panoramic film, flying over the city and into the
Cathederal. Then take an interactive audio tour and jet lhe story
ollhe Cathederal unlold belore yOU.
Conterrpaary Bar and Restauranl, Iocated n !he Grade 1 listed
Britamia PavifJ()(1. Offers a choice 01elther a brasserie ar an
extensr.te la carte menu.
BL9st off on a virtual journey through speoe and time.
The amazing space-themed attraction at Seacombe
Ferry Terminal, Wirral. Become a vrtual astronaut in !he
incredible 360 degree, fully imrners"e Speoe Dome show.
St Jan lV.vunt
Tel. 0151 709 6271
Tours open daily from 9:00 - 16:00, Sun 12 naon - 14:30
(Last Entry 30 mins befare closing) Albert Dock I Te!: 0151 7025831 I www.psnam-venue.co.uk
Underwater Street
Sapporo Teppanyaki
A unique hands-on disoovery cerure íor lamilies 01
children aged up lo 10. Six unique zones and a lull servioe
café provide the perfect venue far a family day out.
Stylish Blue has one 01 Liverpool`s highesl oelebrity counts.
The reoenUy relurbished venue boasts a cale bar with lounge
sealing and an outside lerrace lor Ihe best allresco spot in
the city.
Sapporo Teppanyaiki is L"erpool`s only deslination lor
Japanese lood. Preparation is pure entertainment as expert
chels ftaunl Iheir skills and creative flair to ensure that every
meal is a unique theatrical performance.
Duke Street I Tel: 0151 7053005
10.00 - 16.00 school days. Closed Mondays excepl during
schaol holidays. 10.00 - 18.00 weekends and schaol holidays. STANDARD ENTRY
The Cunard Building I Tel.0151 2272550 I www.underwaterstreet.com
I Tel: 0151 7025831 I www.blue-venue.co.uk
HA HA Bar and Canteen
IL Forno
Korova Restaurant
HA! HA! Liverpool is a sophisticaled design led venue
offering superbly comlortable surroundings perfecl lar
everyday drinking and dining.
Priding itsell on being Liverpool`s lirst and only aulhentic
Italian restaurant you`lI find a real ambience and attenlive
staff waiting to welcome you. The restaurant even boasts a
deli and tradilional Ilalian ice cream parlour.
The Canteen hosts Ihe legendary jukebox. Take in Korova`s
Lalin-American inspired menu offering up large or small
treats including enchiladas and fajitas
20% Off Food
39- 41 Fleet Street I Tel.0151709 7097 I www.korova-fiverpool.com Sun- Thurs
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Todos los mapas e información turística de Liverpool
Mapa turístico de Liverpool - Reino Unido

Mapa turístico de Liverpool - Reino Unido

Tarjeta turística de Liverpool - Reino Unido

Tarjeta turística de Liverpool - Reino Unido

Plano de Liverpool - Reino Unido

Plano de Liverpool - Reino Unido

Mapa turístico de Chester (cerca de Liverpool) - Reino Unido

Mapa turístico de Chester (cerca de Liverpool) - Reino Unido

Museo del equipo de fútbol del Liverpool (estadio de Anfield) - Liverpool - Reino Unido

Museo del equipo de fútbol del Liverpool (estadio de Anfield) - Liverpool - Reino Unido

Entrada museo de los Beatles -  Liverpool - Reino Unido

Entrada museo de los Beatles - Liverpool - Reino Unido