Top 10 de Varsovia - Polonia

Transcripcion del documento:

--- Inicio página 1 ---
official tourist website of Warsaw
Warsaw Tourist Office (Stoleczne Biuro Turystyki)
Map design:
"Moyo - Teresa Witkowska, ..
W. Z. Panów (PZ Studio), 1. Gmyrek, A. Ksiazek, E. Majdak, P. Miller, T. Nawak, B. Tekieli, P. Wierzbawski,
A. Witkowska, Palace of Culture and Science, Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Andrzej Wencel
- Ach! Odessa-Mama - Teatr Zydowski w Warszawie, Copernicus Science Centre. J. Sielicka - Warsaw
Rising Museum, Natianal Museum in Warsaw: Jan Matejka - Staríezyk 1862; The Bettle ot Grunwald 1878;
Aleksander Gierymski - Jewish Waman Selling Oranges, ea. 1881; Lucas Cranaeh the Elder - Adam and
Ewe, 1508-1512; Sandro Batticelli - Madonna with the Child, Saint John the Beptist and the angel; Jacek
Malczewski - "Polish Hamlet - Portrait of Aleksander Wie/opolski", 1903; Johann Heinrich K61er - Coronation
insignia of king August 11I,Dresden, 1733; photas from the exhibition and the building - B. Bajerski. Natianal
Stadium in Warsaw.
Edition VIII, 2014, Free copy
0. j/ Niepelnosprawnik
The pictograms used in this brochure com e from the search engine, run by TUS Foundation (
The criteria according to which the pictograms are assigned,
are avafiable at
--- Fin página 1 ---

--- Inicio página 2 ---
The Noiyk Synagogue
National Museum in Warsaw
Multimedia Fountain Park
Nationa! Stadium in Warsaw
IZI Tourist Information
® Tramway
@ Subway
Accessible to people on
Marked places
wheelchairs ~ for the disabled
Accessible to people on
Elevator accessible to people
wheelchairs with asststance on wheelchairs
Accessible to deaf
Elevator accessible to people
and hard-of-hearing people on wheelchairs with assistance
Accessible for the blind
Toilets accessible to people
on wheelchairs
Accessible to intellectuaJly
Tailets accessible to people
disabled and reading impaired on wheelchairs with assistance
Possibility to enter with
Room for parent and child
an assistance dog
Parking places with no marked
ATTENTION, not all rooms are
places for the disabled accessible to peopte on wheelchairs
WarsawPass - free adrnlssion to Warsaw TOP attractions.
Can be bought in Warsaw Tourist Information points, selected museurns
and online. Details:
--- Fin página 2 ---

Todos los mapas e información turística de Varsovia
Guía de Varsovia - Polonia

Guía de Varsovia - Polonia

Información turística de Varsovia - Polonia

Información turística de Varsovia - Polonia

Mapa de Varsovia - Polonia

Mapa de Varsovia - Polonia

Músico Chopin y Varsovia - Polonia

Músico Chopin y Varsovia - Polonia

Top 10 de Varsovia - Polonia

Top 10 de Varsovia - Polonia

Top 10 de Varsovia (alta calidad) - Polonia

Top 10 de Varsovia (alta calidad) - Polonia

Tours por Varsovia - Polonia

Tours por Varsovia - Polonia

Guía completa de Varsovia - Polonia

Guía completa de Varsovia - Polonia

Plano de la ciudad de Varsovia - Polonia

Plano de la ciudad de Varsovia - Polonia

Centro de Varsovia - Polonia

Centro de Varsovia - Polonia