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Driving about 13 kilometers along a slightly
narrow road by ravine will take you to
"Oshirakawa Area of Hakusan National
Park." There are hiking trail to Mt.Hakusan
and Lake Hakusui in this location.
The view of the Hakusan mountain range
reflected in the emerald green water is
beautiful. This is an ideallocation to see
various wild plants from primeval grooves
of large beech trees to small alpine
plants. There is also a 72 meter high
waterfall named Shiramizu Waterfall
nearby, making this area perfect for a
nature park stroll.
Rest at the lakeside lodge and enjoy an
open air bath with great panorama of
Lake Hakusui.
Prefectural Route Hakusan Koen Line
traffic regulations
Vehicle regulations: vehicles must be 1.8m
or less in width, no large scale vehicles
Rainfall regulations: Closed for continuous
rainfall of 80rnm or 30mm in an hour.
Rood construction are carried out frequently.
Check before using.
Winter closing: November to end of May
Whitewater"Shiramizu Waterfall"
Designated as a scenic spot by the prefectural
government. The milky white color of the
falling water has earned this waterfall
the name "Shiramizu" (whitewater).
Oshirakawa Open Air Bath
r ~ .
Lake Hakusui Lakeside Lodge
Fluffy pollenclumpslromtheJapanese poplar
(Populus maximowiczii),
In early aulumn the Japanese poplar lets
!ly seedlings covered in white Iluff.
Hakusui Lakeside Lodge I Oshirakawa Open Air Bath
Open from early June to late October
.Open air bath: 8:00-17:00 (18:00 in summer)
Bathingfee(c1eaning supportfee) ... Adults:300 yen/ Children: 150yen
eLodge reservations and inquiries:
Before June: Forest Promotional Foundation teI.052-683-9248
From June onward: (Satellite mobile phone)teI.090-2770-2893
©hidamoriaruki ©hidamoriaruki
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The cliff wal!s that run np to the sheer
summit of MI. Sanpoiwa (1,736 meters
above sea level) are called Hida-iwa,
Kaga-iwa, and Etchu-iwa, and it is this
three sided rack structure that gives tbe
mountain its name (which literally means
"thrce direction rocks" ).
Walk about thirty minutes one way
towards the summit on a trekking course
from the MI. Sanpoiwa parking lot on
the Hakusan Shirakawa-go White Road.
There, braadleaf trees like beech trees
and conifer trees like Siberian dwarf
pine grow indigenously in spite of the
wind and snow. The three hundred sixty
degree view is spectacular.
Make friends with nature, learn from nature.
Hida City- Shirakawa-go Nature Guide Association
Fees for nature strolls and mountainside trekking
.3 hour course: 2000 yeo per person (in groups of2 people or more)
eHalf day: 2,500 yen per person (in groups of 2 people or more)
• Whole day: 3,000 yeo per person (in groups of 2 people or more)
[Reservations & inquiries]
Hida City - Shirakawa-go Nature Guide Association tel.0577 -65-221l
*Please rnake reservations at least 3 days in advance.
Marsh land
"Amo Prefectural Nature Park" treats
visitors to a trip through the heart of
mother nature`s glory with elements
like the primeval forest and highland
marsh area that extend centering around
Amou-toge Pass on the border between
Shirakawa-go and Hida City.
This park spends half of the year buried
under snow and has a very late spring.
Asian skunk cabbage c1usters start in
June, leading to the blooming ofmany
different kinds of marshland vegetation.
Visitors can see the giant trees and the
three Amo waterfalls .
The autumn leaves from early October
are beautiful, and nature walks are fun
in al! seasons.
Hakusan Shirakawa-go White Road
A 33.3 kilometer road connecting Gifu and Ishikawa
prefectures.!t is a forest road that spans out above
the clouds and cuts through Hakusan National Park.
Gifu Management Office teI.05769-6-1664
Open Early June to early November
~June - August: 7:00-18:00/ Septcmber - November
:8:00-17:00 @0Tollrood
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, 19 ts
The Folk Museum of ]
the old Toyama Family
Designated as an Important National Cultural
Asset in 1971, the house was built ea. 1827
by a carpenter frorn Noto. Representative
ofthe Gassho Style, the 14m tall, four-stor
house has a ground floor and three upper
floors wish in the roof. The 1st floor was
used as living space and 2nd through thc
4th tloors were used for sericulture.
Toyama House Folk Museum teI.05769-5-2062
~ OJd Toyama Folk House Museum
~ Adults: 300 yen / Elementary and junior high
children: 150 yen OClosed: Wednesdays (or the
day before the holiday when Wednesday falls 00
a national holiday) and December 31 - January 3
e Kanda House ~
The Kanda Family House, the branch of the
Wada clan established their house here and
built up a sake brewing business. This is a
high-quality Gassho-style house with its steep
rafters, where delicate carpentry work can be
seen, and a truly advanced room layout.
The Kanda House teI.05769-6-1072
@9:00-17:00 @Adu1ts: 300 yen IE1ementary and
junior high children: 150 yen(Io groups of 15people
or more, Adulrs: 250 yen / Elementary and junior
high children: 100 yen) GaNo scheduled closed
days during March to November, closed Wednesdays
during December to February
~SShO-ZUkUri Minka~
In 1968 the residents of the Kazura District
decided lo move out of the Village and tried
to se11their Gassho style houses.
Concerned that the houses would be relocated
else where of destroyed resulting in a los s
of their important culturl value, Shirakawa
Vi11age provided a sote where the houses
could be eollectively relocated and opened
as amuseum.
Gassho-zukuri Minkaen teI.05769-6-1231
~March - November 8:40-17:00 December-
February: 9:00-16:00 Open every day during
~April- November, closed Oll Thursdays during
December - March ~Adults: 500 yen / Elementary,
junior high, and high school children: 300 yen
(In groups of 25 people or more, Adults: 450
yen / Elementary, junior high, and high school
children: 250 yen)
Built in the mid to late Edo Period, this
well-preserved house is the largest remaining
Gassho style hose in Shirakawa-go.
Documents and licenses still in the possession
of the family show that the house was home
to an official who dealt in raw silk and niter.
The Wada House leI.05769-6-1058
~ 9:00-17:00©lAdults: 300 yen / Elementary and
junior high children: 150 yen(In groups of 25 people
or more, Adults: 250 yen) crlNo scheduled closed days
[[ Nagase House ~
The Family whose pedigree continued for
250 years, and beca use the family practiced
medicine from the first to third generation,
There are many medical instruments remaining
from the Edo Periodo A pillar that Ilmeter
long (rafter) supparts the huge sloping roof
from the ground to the top.shaping big roof.
The Nagase House leI.05769-6-1047
@1Adults: 300yen / Elementary Schoolchildren: 150yen
(In groupsof 15 peopleOI more,Adults. 250yen / Elementary
Schoolchildren: 120yen) GaNo scheduledcloseddays
[[ Myozenji Temple ~
Myozen-ji is known far its thatched roof
gate "Shoro-rnon". According to historie
records, construction of the temple starts in
1806 and wark continued far approximately
20 years.A total of 9191 people assisted
master carpenter Uske Mizuma from Takayama
in the construction work. irnpressive transom
carvings are loeated inside the building.
e Myozenji museum ~
mp ements are exhi ited on the sec
ofthis building that was constructed ea. 1817.
Myozenji museum teI.05769-6-1009
cg)8:30-17:00 (From December to March, 9:00-16:00)
@)Adults: 300 yen / Elementary and junior high
children: 100 yen (In groups of 25 people or more,
Adults: 240 yen / Elementary and junior high
childrcn: 80 yen) rI3No scheduled closed days
I Binen-yumeromu museum I
Inside a "gassho" rafter roofhouse that was
moved here from Kazura, Shirakawa VilIage,
which is called "a settlement of magic," see
a display assortment of gassho house paintings
by house owner and local artist Mineji Itadani,
seulptures, and wonderful samples of fme
Shirakawa-go wood. Artwark featuring bold
compositions and detailed craftsmanship
blends together with the architectural beauty
of the gasho house to produce a unique atmosphere.
Binen-yurneromu museum teI.05769-6-1166
@ 1O:00-16:00@Adults: 300 yen rl3C10sed:No
scheduled closed days
I Doburoku Festival museum I
The festival hall is located on the site of
the Shirakawa Hachiman Shirine. Visitors
can leam about the Doburoku Festival and
can get a free taste of "doburoku" sake.
Doburoku Festival museum teI.05769-6-1655
@9:00-17:00 @Adults: 300 yen I Children: 100
yen (In groups of 25 people or more, Adults: 240 yen /
Elementary and junior high children: 80 yen)
GlClosed October 13 - 16 and December - March
Shiroyama Tenshukaku ]
Tenbodai (Observatory)
A picturesque view of the entire ogimachi
can be seen from this privately owned
observation point.
ShiroyamaTensyukakuTenbodai teI.05769-6-1728
Parking & entrance ís free
e Miboro Dam ~
The 131 maters high and 405meters wide
dam is constructed of c1ay and locks.
Electric POIVer Development CO.,Ltd.(J-POWER)
Miboro Eleclricity Museum teI.05769-5-2012
I Fun with natural Plant Oyes I
You can experience various activities passed
down from the olden days at Gassho Style
House Colony Minka-en. One of the popular
activties is dyeing cloths with dyes made
from plants growing in and around the
Minka-en. Reservaition required.
Gassho-zukuri Minkaen leI.05769-6-1231
Natural dyeing: 800 yen / Straw crafts: 700 yen/
Cypress slice crafts: 500 yen ~April- end of October
I Experience Soba Mald~
Soba making can be enjoyed at the Gassho-
style House Colony Minka-en. Make soba
noodies from buckwheat flour and taste
what you have made.
Reservations are requird one week in advance.
Gassho-zukuri Minkaen teI.05769-6-1231
@2 times per day (about 2 hrs.) 10:00-13:30
~ 1,800 yen for 1 person at 1 soba noodle making
workspace / 2,800 yen for 2 people at 1 workspace
~ April - end of October
~Ba Craft Work Sh~
Local prducts and crafts are demonstrated
and sold here by the seniars of Shirakawa-go,
Ji`Ba Craft Work Shop teI.05769-6-1330
@9:00-17:00rl3Monday@1,500 yen per person
(includes material and instruction fecs)
I Toyota Shirakawa-Go Eco-Institute I
An environmental study fasility with cozy
accommodations managetd by the non-profit
organaization Shirakawa-go Nature Coexistence
Forum, It offers nature expreience programs,
and also hot spring and French cuisine as
an Eco-resort.
Toyota Shirakawa-Go Eco-Institute
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Near the gassho
settlement, famous
as a "kodakara no yu",
The Hirase Hot Spring located close to
the Ogimachi World Heritage gassho site
wherelO kilometers south on Route 156
It is a small hot spring area made up of 2
"minshuku" bed & breakfasts and 8 "ryokan"
inns. The nostalgic atmosphere of a old-
fashioned inn still remains.
The spring water contains sulfur-sodium
and chloride. This plentiful "kakenagashi"
(fresh flow without water recycling) hot
spring piped right frorn the source .
Enjoy the recornrnended hospitality of the
inn or just drop by to take a healing dip in
the curative hot spring.
Hirase Hot Spring area streetscape
Hirase Ho! Spjn..9 entrance siqn
Oshirakawa Hot Spring
Shiramizu no Yu
Its reputation of having positive effects
on female health problems since old days
and made this famous bath well known
as a "kodakara no yu" . The neighboring
"Michinoeki (Travellers Plaza) Hida Hakusan"
features speciallocal products on sale.
Oshirakawa Ha! Spring Tourism Co., Ltd.
HIRASE SPA.RYOKAN Japnese-Style Hotel
Hirase Hot Spring inn
~..-:`. - -;.!-...`
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Domine - Kuroyuriso Tousukenoyu Fujiya
Hakusanso Fujiya Inn
- Sansui YunoSato
Shirakawa-go Hirase
Hot Spring Campsite
This campsite is on the opposite side of
the Sho River from the Hirase hot spring
district. It has a gathering area and a
sports area. Automobile camping allowed.
Open: April I -late November
Shirayumi Ski Resort
A family oriented ski area looking on
the Hakusan mountain range. Located
about 1,000 meters above sea level, ir
has a gentle slope and an advanced course
with a max 38 degree tilt, Snowboarding
also welcome.
Hirase Hor Spring Campsite
Hirase Onsen Shirayurni Ski Resort
group of
Nabe-Kui- Tai" perfec e this original
recipe lo hot pat causine through a long
process of trial and error.
This veritable masterpiece with a soup
that brings out the wonderful flavor of
soy beans. And, vegetables and locally
grown kikurage (Jew`s Ear Fungus)
are added for texture of soup.
Lastlytopped witha layerof grilledhidabeef.
Try this " Hida Beef Suttate Nabe "
at Hircuse Hot Spring.
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Access to
-- - --`-,
",,"""--lc-Kamiyashird-.:rCT`" "
"`Tayata.JCT Shizuoka
~ --
_ ( , ~n - n -; ~-I Toyama Airport-f
T,,"m","A~rtl 1~ .. lm.m
~>_<: •• I
Kansai Intemational Airport INagoya Airport±", Tok~?(Haneda)Airport
--`---------`--`--.-------------:----r::-~-=--~-- `-:-it-a-=-In-t-em-a-u`-on-a-:-l-cA-:-rrp-or`"t.
Chubu IntematlOnal Alrport
`iiIiiiIii Access to Shirakawa-go by Fixed-Route Bus
1 day / 6 round trips --- Nouhi Bus
1 day /3 round trips (reservations required)
Nouhi Bus```TeL0577-32-1688
(JR Station)
1 day /3 raund trips (reservatians required)
Nouhi Bus"`TeL0577-32-1688
(JR Station) 1 hr. lSmin.
" , ti
1 day /1 round trip (reservations required)
Gifu Bus```TeL058-262-0489
(Maitetsu Bus Senter)
2 hr, 45min,
Takaoka I ~ ~:I Gokayama i ~
(JR Station) IIhr.15min. I(Ainokura/Suganuma)1 45min. ID! ....:I
1 day /4 raund trips (reservatians required)
Kaetsunou Bus"`TeL0766-22-4888
--.. Fixed route busses ~-- Check timetable for departure/arrival times.
---+- Reser:vations required --- Advance reservations are required. Make reservations by telephone or through
the tourist information area nearest to you.
~ Access to Shirakawa-go by Car
Oyabetonami.JCT l--
Hokuriku Bxpressway Hokuriku Expressway
Kanazawa-Higashi.IC Toyama.IC
Required time: Required time:
approx. 1 hrs. 17 mino
Tokai-hokuriku Expressway
approx. 1 hrs. 15 mino
Approx. 50 mino
. . .
Chubu jukan
Tokai-hokuriku Expressway Expressway
Approx. 25 mino Required time:
Chubu jukan Expressway approx. 50 mino
Approx. 25 mino
Tokai-hokuriku Expressway
~ Abou touge road
Approx. 1 hr. 45 mino
Approx. 2 hrs. 40 mino
TMeishin Expressway TTomei Expressway Chuo Exprcssway
Approx. 1 hr. 50 mino Approx. 4 hrs. Approx. 2 hrs. 25 mino
Osaka Tokyo Tokyo
Meishin Expressway Suita.IC Tomei Expressway Tokyo.IC Chuo Expressway Chofu.IC
Requiredlime: approx. 3 hrs. 50 mino Required time: approx. 6 hrs. 10 mino Requiredtime: approx.5 hrs. 40 mino
I rh Ir ~ trrrr ,.
--- Fin página 8 ---
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Shirakawa Village Information Accommodations - eateries - shops
iIlInns & hotel s "Area code 05769
Region IMapl Inn name IType Phone
name no. number
Miboro 1 Miboro Ryokan íilliI<:¡¡¡¡¡¡ 5-2010
2 Hatago HakusankanIj~óéi1J!Il
3 Yunosato JlO)lIt
4 Kuroyuriso nu < 0$`Jff JlI..J!!, 5-2051
Hirase 5 Uomine fó.Ii!l1ll
6 Warabi t> Gl1
7 Tousukenoyu Fui~aiif,~l ~G~1il J!La. 5-2611
8 Asahiva WlB""
9 Shirovamakan l¡!t1J1ll 6-1007
Ogimachi 10 Shirakawa-qo Onsen BIJIIIOJil! JlI.."" 6-0026
11 Yamakoshi i!Hatogaya 12 Sumireso T,>nll; 6-1056
Kojirakawa 13 limikan ¡¡¡"`Ill 0763-67-3663
Magari 14
TOYOTA Shirakawa-Go Eco·lnstitute
rt;Bed & Breakfasts "Area code 05769
.~ .. .. .
IIi`Iffii`!Ol liT.
17 Hakusanso á t1Jli
18 Sansui 11l*
19 Shirayumisou á`lif 5-2420
20 Katsura ~`? G 5-2218
21 Jyuemon +:6Irl
22 Nodaniya O)1>`r:""
23 Kidoya >`;c""
24 Furusato ,Hó 2` 1:
25 Shimizu ¡¡!¡,>::i
26 Kanjiya 1P1u¡;""
27 Koemon `l`Ir,
28 Yoshiro `>l1!laJl
29 Iccha -lF-
30 Hisamatsu ~$
31 Rihee m.~
32 Yamamotoya t1J*¡¡¡
33 Magoemon /li:l;:trl
34 Yokichi J;>`;~
35 Bunroku 1l:1<
36 Gensaku ~fF
37 Wadaya t>t¿""
Ootaya ;k1E¡¡¡
39 Isaburo iO``=:aJl
lijima 40
Kayabuki ~,,,,,,;;>`;
iIlRental bungalows "Area code 05769
Let`S all pitch in to protect
When you visit Shirakawa-go,
o Because the settlement interior is a conservation
area, some streets and waterways do not have
fences. Be aware of your footing while walking.
o Houses and buildings in the settlement are all
privately owned. Do not enter houses, gardens,
and fields. Do not pick grasses, herbs, or flowers.
iIlEateries "Area code 05769 iIlGift shops "Area code 05769
I -
IType 1 Phone Region ¡Ma p Inn name
na[ll~ _no __ _ _ __ ___ nurnber
Kidani 1 MorinoSyokusaikanShiramayumi él`l 1iiik
2 Jihei ;;;`1` 5-2200
3 Cafe Ohmatsu 0lI!lF- ;km 5-2118
4 Sansai 11l~ 5-2338
5 Sake Bar Togawa ¡,i¡;.¡¡¡ 1:b`b 5-2053
6 Gallery Kyosyu 1l:jtOll!lF-!IlI!l 6-1912
7 Morizen H.
6-1534 1111k
8 Restaurant Chubee !f.Aíti
9 Kita no syo 1;1;I;:0)i!
10 Restaurant Konjyaku ~¡;¡
11 Hakuraku á~ 6-1070
12 Shiraogi vG,,~ 6-1106
13 Hakusuien á*~ 1iiik.
14 Masuen Bunsuke * TI`I1l:11JJiiIk4I. 6-1268
15 Shiroyama Tensyukaku lIi1J¡¡~1I 11Jik 6-1728
16 lrori ";:"J 1ñil. 6-1737
17 Arai Shokudo i.>G"llt~ 6-1045
18 Hidaji jiI,,"1& 6-1621
19 Tanakaya t.:.tM`fii. 1iiik. 6-1410
20 Ippukuchina "",;;<~t~
21 Gassho ~.
22 Kodaijin 0;1;:1$
23 Yoze `>tf 6-0026
24 Yoze inShirakawa·go Onsen a~fllfM~ 6-0026
25 Nomura `l`1T~-t-rt!l lit,` G 6-1508
26 Cafe Karyudo Pll;;; f.fA 6-1108
27 Chitose ~ 1:: 1t 6-1559
28 Yukinko ,*!l 19l>`;1u:: 6-1255
29 Cafe Sato 0lI!;;;2` 1:? 6-1432
30 Cafe Restaurant Chiharu `1``` 6-1065
31 Yamakoshi l!`ií!lii! ""*:: v 6-1165
32 Oashis a z Ó/ 7. 090-568 1-8381
33 Kaoru (Dango) ~`;I;¿` (EH) 6-1614
34 Cafe Hina :¡-I:- ¡;¡¡ (li`1J:) 6-1150
35 Isamami (Dango) "~f.¡`" (EIIT) 6-1526
36 Ochudo ~A
37 Soba Dojyo -t-I;¡:!l-t-/t~il!
38 Hiiragi * 090-3303-4505
39 Keyaki rt`i`é` 6-1115
40 Zen;,,; 6-1212
41 Shingedo `L``````
42 Dokkorasyo c,,;:,;v.l; 6-1734
43 Wakimoto ilnf¡¡¡¡~ 6-1500
Shima 44 Ramen Zundo 6-1/)!.,`i`f",c; 6-1270
45 Tenkara -C1u~`G 6-1661
46 156RestaurantLucky156vAf7/7`~- 1i1iÁ 6-1155
Hatogaya 47 Tonkatsu Tomiya lIfti:""`~UI` 6-1105
48 Cafede clubTotenmaruh7If~71Uj¡ 6-1882
49 Cafe Akariya 117I 711`)"` 6-1183
liiima 50 Michinoeki"Shirakawago"~~`1 élllB 1H1k 6-1310
Rennyochaya ¡¡9D;;;¡¡¡ 080-1957-8683
world heritages forever
pIease follow these rules.
9Do not litter. Take garbage back with you.
Return empty containers settlement stores
that you bought in .
O"Gassho" rafter roof houses are very susceptible
10 fire. Please do not walk around witb lit cigarettes
or throw used cigarette ends on the ground.
Please only smoke in designated areas.
Region IMapl Inn name
I Phone
name no. number
1 Kondo Store ~"iIlir.s 6-1041
2 Wahichi `fOt 6-1087
3 Kodaijin 0;1;:1$ 6-1171
4 Kikori "`ollt 6-1818
5 Ebisuya !!l1TI`< 6-1250
6 Yamaai House 11ltj¡0)* 6-1700
7 Gasshoan ~;¡;:¡¡¡ 6-1721
8 Okesa Folkcraft Shop 15/ta;¡¡¡¡¡¡ 6-1622
9 Sanrakudo 11l¡¡¡~ 6-1120
10 Syakunage v •• < 1J:/f 6-1273
11 Yamazato tlJlIt 6-1408
Ogimachi 12 Sato Folkcraft Shop {Ui¡H,¡¡JIi 6-1164
13 Kobikiya ::l1>`;"" 6-1261
14 Kobikiya Kakinokiten ~U:~I` IlOJ*JIi 6-1221
15 lrori "0`J 6-1744
16 Hakuraku á~ 6-1070
17 Gassho ~" 6-1419
18 Oishinbo "(` vlul¡( 6-1191
19 Ippi -jiI 6-1125
20 Kataribe trt: `J "- 6-1388
21 Memenko /I)/I)!v:: 6-1584
22 Zensuke tflullJ 6-1913
23 Fresh Vegetable House 1tlOf.¡!!lli!ll 6-1377
Hatogaya 24 Hakuundo Confectionerysu=¡¡; 6-1044
25 Michinoeki "Shirakawago
26 Taguchiya Confectionery IIID¡¡¡~¡¡; 6-1025
27 Miyama TOFU Shop ;;`¡wfl¡¡;;JIi 5-2381
28 Michinoeki "Hida Hakusan
Hirase 5-2230
;¡¡O)~ rlllUál1lJ
iIlOther shops `Area code 05769
Hida No o·A-COOP iIlllll1!·Ao-1
Daily Yamazaki Shirakawa·mura Shirakawa·go
TÓ `) -"`,"!f4`áli/tlálll~JIi
3 Ohsugi store ;k~iIlir.s 6-1031
4 Takakuwa store ;i;QiIlir.s 6-1035
5 Shojikiya iEilil`< 6-3038
6 Miyabe Tofu Shop :;¡gj!fl!í!JIi 6-1877
Lake LouiseCO.,Ltd.(Jj)vH·/K-l 0584-55·0229
Miboro 8 Tooyama store i>!11li`Sir.s 5-2045
Maki 9 Nishida store iffilEi`Sifi 5-2044
J!l, Hot spring 80 Open air bath
1iiik Groups ok .6 Gassho house
--- Fin página 9 ---