Central_Park_Fall_Foliage_Map - Nueva York - Estados Unidos - América del Norte

Transcripcion del documento:

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E 110
E 106
E 97
E 85
E 79
E 66
W 110
W 100
W 97
W 86
W 81
W 66
W 106
Pedestrian Path
(pedestrians only)
Bridle Path
(no bicyclists)
Park Drive
(shared by pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles)
Transverse Road
(vehicles only)
Map Key
1. North Woods
West Side to Mid-Park from 101st to
110th Street
American Elm (yellow)
Black Cherry (yellow, red)
Pin Oak (russet, bronze, red)
Red Maple (red)
Red Oak (yellow, brown, red)
Scarlet Oak (scarlet)
Sweetgum (yellow, purple, red)
2. Conservatory Garden
East Side from 104th to 106th Street
Crabapple (reddish-orange)
Star Magnolia (yellow, bronze)
Stewartia (orange, red, purple)
3. The Pool
West Side from 100th to 103rd Street
Bald Cypress (bronze, yellow)
Hickory (yellow)
Red Maple (red)
Sugar Maple (orange, yellow, red)
Sweetgum (yellow, purple, red)
Tupelo (orange, scarlet)
4. North Meadow
Mid-Park from 97th to 102nd Street
Flowering Dogwood (maroon, purple)
Hickory (yellow)
Sugar Maple (orange, yellow, red)
5. Reservoir
85th to 96th Street
Kwanzan Cherry (bronze, red) - west side
Yoshino Cherry (yellow) - east side
6. The Ramble
Mid-Park from 73rd to 79th Street
Black Cherry (yellow, red)
Pin Oak (russet, bronze, red)
Red Maple (red)
Red Oak (yellow, brown, red)
Sassafras (purple, red)
Sweetgum (yellow, purple, red)
Tupelo (orange, scarlet)
7. The Mall
Mid-Park from 66th to 72nd Street
American Elm (yellow)
8. Hallett Nature Sanctuary
and the Pond
Central Park South between Fifth and
Sixth Avenues
Black Cherry (yellow, red)
Ginkgo (yellow)
Gray Birch (yellow)
Pin Oak (russet, bronze, red)
Sawtooth Oak (yellow, golden brown)
Tupelo (orange, scarlet)
In the fall, many of Central Park’s roughly 20,000 trees transform into golden shades of
yellow, orange, red, and more. Use this handy map to find the most colorful foliage in
every area of the Park this season.
Central Park Fall Foliage Map
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Central Park Map - Nueva York - Estados Unidos - América del Norte